How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

By: Jessica Gerber

The job search can be extremely tiring and difficult at times. However, that is why there are recruiters out there to assist you in this process and find the right company and position for you. As a recruiter, one way I find potential candidates is through LinkedIn. According to, there are more than 600 million users worldwide, making LinkedIn the largest professional networking website globally. With 600 million users it may seem challenging to make your LinkedIn profile stand out. Yet, here are 5 simple tips that not only help someone’s LinkedIn profile stand out, but also encourages me to reach out.

  1. LinkedIn Profile Icon

The first thing that grabs my attention is your LinkedIn icon. Adding a photo to your LinkedIn is not a time-consuming task and it sets the tone for your LinkedIn page. This icon is the first impression a recruiter or a hiring manger will get from your LinkedIn profile. While a professional headshot is always a great option, I still find myself drawn to any LinkedIn page that has a headshot, opposed to a LinkedIn profile with no photo at all.

  1. Add a Personal Summary

LinkedIn is more than just a networking platform; it is an online resume. Adding a personal summary gives you the opportunity to showcase your talents and present yourself to recruiters and hiring managers.  This is a great section that allows recruiters to see your personality and the intangibles that you may bring to a company.

  1. Highlight and Add Detailed Experience

LinkedIn gives you the option to list all previous work experience. While it is great to see all the companies you worked for, as well as your titles at those jobs, it is even better to see concise responsibilities at each of those jobs. Having a few keywords under previous experience is not only going to grab my attention, but also going to lead me to reach out to you with any possible opportunities that fit those keywords. It is also crucial to make sure you are keeping this segment of your profile up to date. If you only have prior jobs listed, it is likely that recruiters will reach out regarding jobs that are too junior for your experience.

  1. Make Connections

The more connections you have the greater the chance is of having your profile pop up for your first, second and third-degree connections. Essentially, the more connections you have, the more visible you are to others.

  1. Keep Activity Going!

Another way to become more visible to others is through activity. The more you share, comment, or like posts the more visible you become to others. While keeping activity going is important, I would advise to stay away from posting anything that is  not related to business. LinkedIn is an active, living resume. I do not recommend posting anything on LinkedIn that you would not want a hiring manger to see! One professional way to boost your activity is to check out our LinkedIn page and engage with our posts!