Steering Through New Horizons


Steering Through New Horizons Written By: Sarah Yun Having thoughts about relocation for a new job? Unfortunately, there are times when the perfect job isn’t right across the street, but rather hundreds of miles away or even across the country or the globe! I had the pleasure of working with a professional who was actively [...]

Steering Through New Horizons2024-05-07T09:05:25-04:00

Non-Technical Skills to Stand Out


Non-Technical Skills to Stand Out By: Sydney Grierson In 2022, our company worked with a sales professional who was looking for a new position within the life sciences industry after being laid-off due to restructuring. As luck would have it, we had a new position open in the candidate’s town. We worked directly with the [...]

Non-Technical Skills to Stand Out2023-08-22T08:49:17-04:00

How To Prepare for an Interview


How To Prepare for an Interview Written By: Les Schafer By no means is this an end all be all list on what you should focus on as you prepare for an interview. What it is, though, is a list of areas that I think will be a good foundational focus in helping you prepare [...]

How To Prepare for an Interview2022-01-07T17:00:17-05:00

Interview Preparation


Interview Preparation Written by Hannah Ferguson Preparing for an interview is never easy. Over the next 2 blogs, we have two recruiters giving you all the tips and tricks on how to prepare for your next interview! Imagine you just heard back on a position you applied to a few days ago and the company [...]

Interview Preparation2022-10-28T09:36:40-04:00

How Can DISC Help Improve Relationships?


How Can DISC Help Improve Relationships? Written by: Jess Goodman Last year, Allison introduced us to DiSC in her article, “What’s your DiSC Style?”  Understanding DiSC styles can help anyone improve relationships both at work and home. Check out how! Improve communication: Understanding someone’s DiSC style can help improve interpersonal communication. For example, I know [...]

How Can DISC Help Improve Relationships?2022-01-07T16:40:42-05:00

The Importance of Transparency with a Recruiter


The Importance of Transparency with a Recruiter By David Naider We at Germer International have mutual respect and goals for both our clients and our candidates.  There may be situations where you as a candidate may be hesitant to share personal information and may be situations where you as a client may be holding cards [...]

The Importance of Transparency with a Recruiter2020-12-29T14:24:26-05:00

Tips for Working Remotely


Tips for Working Remotely By: Sydney Grierson From wearing a mask in public to working remotely, COVID-19 has undoubtfully changed a lot about how we go about our daily lives. According to Stanford economist, Nicholas Bloom, “42 percent of the U.S. labor force [is] now working from home full-time.” And while one might think that [...]

Tips for Working Remotely2020-12-29T14:18:25-05:00

How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out


How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out By: Jessica Gerber The job search can be extremely tiring and difficult at times. However, that is why there are recruiters out there to assist you in this process and find the right company and position for you. As a recruiter, one way I find potential candidates [...]

How to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out2020-12-29T14:09:17-05:00

How Companies have Pivoted in 2020 


How Companies have Pivoted in 2020 By Les Schafer What we have seen in the pharmaceutical industry in 2020, when it comes to opening and closing positions has been that the companies who were proactive and quick to adjust in implementing a virtual interview experience, were the ones who won recruiting in 2020. Being in [...]

How Companies have Pivoted in 2020 2020-12-29T14:10:19-05:00

What it Means to be in a Candidate-Driven Market


What it Means to be in a Candidate-Driven Market Written by: Sarah Yun “What is a candidate-driven market?” you might ask. I had a conversation with the President of Germer International, John Germer, to get his insight into what this could mean for the candidate & client experience in 2021. For one, to be in [...]

What it Means to be in a Candidate-Driven Market2020-12-28T15:20:30-05:00
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